Posts Tagged “friendship”
A Word on Candor
by Ashley on February 2, 2013
I tend to be blunt with my friends. Though I try to be tactful, I believe it’s difficult to be close to people if you aren’t able to be honest with them. But recently I griped about someone who was (…)
Surviving Questions and Comments from Strangers
by Ashley on January 9, 2013
What a year this is going to be. Not only did we not die during the Mayan apocalypse late last year, some of us, including me, will be adding to the world’s head count this year. As a quick aside, (…)
Fear Factor: Babysitting Edition
by Ashley on April 23, 2012
I’m not a “kid person.” (Understatement of the year, no?) Sure, I like babies. As long as they aren’t screaming or pooping. Drooling isn’t great, but I can handle that. Spitting up is a different story. Despite knowing this, a (…)
What 1,000 Miles Teaches about Hospitality
by Ashley on April 9, 2012
I live half a continent away from most of my family. My nearest relatives live three states away, and one of those states is Texas. I’ll let you do the math. Because of the distance to my East Coast family (…)