Archive for the “De-stress” category
Eviction Notice: Effective Immediately
by Ashley on August 22, 2012
A quote I heard recently on a silly TV show struck me as profound, and I’ve taken it to heart. (I already know you’re embarrassed for me to be admitting this in public. Duly noted. Regardless, I’ll continue.) Let me (…)
Make an Exchange, No Questions Asked
by Ashley on May 14, 2012
What I’m about to share with you is a true story. Parts of it might seem outrageous and unbelievable. I assure you, it’s all very real. I had a little conversation with myself this weekend. “Self,” said I, “You’re wasting (…)
What 1,000 Miles Teaches about Hospitality
by Ashley on April 9, 2012
I live half a continent away from most of my family. My nearest relatives live three states away, and one of those states is Texas. I’ll let you do the math. Because of the distance to my East Coast family (…)
5 Ways to be a Better KISSer
by Ashley on February 16, 2012
In case you’re unfamiliar with the acronym, KISS can stand for a few different things, but for the moment, let’s stick with Keep It Simple, Sweetheart. I admit it: I’m guilty of making things way more complicated than they need (…)